Non-Profit Applicants Form

Our mission is to offer the SelfQuest® online program to prisons, schools and correctional institutions and to provide trained facilitators to augment and support its use. Applying is simple.

SelfQuest® Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, has developed an online program based self-discovery and healing process, designed for inmates and students to:

  • Develop self-esteem and personal responsibility
  • Develop empathy, compassion and the ability to love oneself and others
  • Prevent and treat substance abuse
  • Prevent and treat domestic violence and other forms of violence
  • Reduce recidivism
  • Prevent high school dropout.

The technology presented in SelfQuest® guides users through their personal history and behavior profile, helping them to become aware of their fears, limiting beliefs, and uncaring or destructive behavior. Then it takes them through the Six Steps of Inner Bonding® to help them resolve both inner and relationship conflict. They learn how to access and take responsibility for their feelings, how to learn from their anxiety and difficulties, and how to access the spiritual love, truth and power that enables them to heal their self-limiting beliefs and take loving action for themselves and with others.

SelfQuest® has tremendous potential for lasting impact on the community.

If you feel that you would qualify as an applicant as a School, Prison, or other Non-Profit Organization, we invite you to become part of the SelfQuest® project today!

All of our work on this program has come from donations from individuals who have benefited from Inner Bonding® and want others (like yourself) to benefit as well.

Apply Now…

Just fill out the Non-profit Applicant’s Form below and fax or scan and email your proof of non-profit status.
Once we receive your application, we will arrange for you to have the necessary training to administrate the
SelfQuest® program. You, or one of our trained facilitators, will need to give participants a pre-test and
a post-test six months later. Once all this is completed, we will arrange to have SelfQuest® online
available to each participant. Each participant will need to register for his or her own membership.

In addition to the application, which we will receive over email when you click the submit button, please fax or
scan your proof of non-profit status (i.e. 501(c)(3) declaration, or whatever it is in your country).
Fax to 970-247-1032 or, Scan and email to

Name of Organization (required)

Address of Organization (required)

City (required)



Name of contact person (required)

Phone number of Organization

Organization Website

Contact Email Address (required)

Type of service(s) provided by your Organization… eg., School, Prison, correctional institution, homeless shelter, youth organization, etc. Participants in the program must be at least 15 years old.

How many students, inmates, or clients will be using the SelfQuest® program?

Online training will be required for at least one administrator. Who will take the SelfQuest® training and administer the SelfQuest® software?

We require that beneficiary organizations purchase at least one copy of SelfQuest®. The cost of the program is $397. Groups that cannot afford a direct purchase may apply for financial assistance.

Can your organization afford to purchase one copy of SelfQuest® for the person who will receive the SelfQuest® training and administer the software?

How will your organization incorporate SelfQuest® into your program?

How many computers are available for participants in the program?

Will you be willing to participate in future surveys or evaluations, and write a review regarding the results of SelfQuest®?



Dr. Margaret Paul & Dr. Erika Chopich

